In brief
28/09/2018 TOL, Wow de Eugénie Anselin, she is very talented, waiting for something more developed than that.
24/11/2018 TOL, Dans la solitude des champs de coton de Bernard-Marie Koltès, interesting play but not inspiring production
25/11/2018 Théâtre du Centaure, Textes sans frontière La Grèce, Journée littéraire, Dimitris Dimitriadis, Yannis Mavritsakis et Maria Efstathiadi, very interesting, ha, ha, where the Greeks have been?
27/11/2018 Théâtre des Capucins, Abigail’s Party of Aaron Posner, directed by Douglas Rintoul, good play
26/1/2019 Théâtre du Centaure, Pièce en plastique de Marius von Mayenburg, not bad but too many things
2/2/2019 TNL, EUROPE – My Heart Will Be Broken and Eaten is inspired by Jean Cocteau’s written by the romanian author Salat Lehel and directed by the German director Armin Petras, interesting, it is all?
5/2/2019 Kasemattentheater, The Place, It Has a Name Projekt Frei–Raum, Lisa Kohl, scenography, video, installation, Elsa Rauchs, voice, performance, Ian De Toffoli, text, dramaturgy, interesting but too short